Class TTextHeader


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | WPRTEDefs.TWPRTFSectionProps | TTextHeader


TTextHeader (used to be WPRichText.Header) This object is published. It is the reference to the default section property of the RTFData The properties StoreOptions,LoadOptions,HTMLStoreOptions have been moved and are now property of the RTFEngine since each RTFEngine can load/save differently but all are using the same formatting properties The color and font palette and resolution is maintained by the RTF props! Note: All tab procedures are now implemented in the TWPTextStyle/TParagraph


Used or referenced by

-Function TParagraph.CurrentSection : TWPRTFSectionProps
-Function TParagraph.CurrentSection : TWPRTFSectionProps
-Property TWPRTFDataCollectionBase.Header : TTextHeader