Class TWPLanguageControl


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TComponent | WPXMLint.TWPCustomXMLInterface | WPXMLint.TWPCustomXMLTree | TWPLanguageControl


TWPLanguageControl is used to translate the captions of labels and other components on a form at runtime. It is based on the component TWPCustomXMLTree and stores the translation as XML data.

How to use the TWPLanguageControl:
1) There may be only one LanguageControl in the project. It may be never freed!

2) In the event OnLoaded use this code to initialize the control

procedure TForm1.WPLanguageControl1Loaded(Sender: TObject); begin WPLangInterface := TWPLocalizationInterface.Create(WPLanguageControl1); WPLocalizeAllStrings; end;

3) You will find XML files in Demos\Tasks\Localization. Double click on the object to load / merge the data. The demo can be used to test the localization! Set property GlobalLanguage to the required language ID, i.e. 'DE'



AfterLoadForm : TWPLanguageControlAfterEvent= TWPLanguageControlAfterEvent

AfterSaveForm : TWPLanguageControlAfterEvent= TWPLanguageControlAfterEvent

BeforeLoadForm : TWPLanguageControlBeforeEvent= TWPLanguageControlBeforeEvent

BeforeSaveForm : TWPLanguageControlBeforeEvent= TWPLanguageControlBeforeEvent

OnLoaded : TNotifyEvent= procedure (Sender : TObject) of Object

WPLocalLOadObjectStrings : TWPLocalLoadObjectStrings= TWPLocalLoadObjectStrings

WPLocalSaveObjectStrings : TWPLocalSaveObjectStrings= TWPLocalSaveObjectStrings

Used or referenced by

-Function TWPXMLOneLevel.CopyTree(NewParent:TWPCustomXMLTree) : TWPXMLOneLevel
-Function TWPXMLOneLevel.CopyTree(NewParent:TWPCustomXMLTree) : TWPXMLOneLevel