Property TWPCustomRtfEdit.FirstPar : TParagraph

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


This is the first paragraph of the displayed text which is usually the body text. Please also see . Please also see which can be used with par.globalnext to loop through all paragraphs in any parts of the text.
It is possible to assign a TParagraph list to FirstParagraph to replace the current text.
Example loop to check all cells in a document: var par : TParagraph; begin par := WPRichText1.FirstPar; while par<>nil do begin if (par.ParagraphType=wpIsSTDPar) and par.HasProp(paprIsTable) then begin ... this is a table cell ..... end; par := par.Next; end; end;