Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.FootNoteInsert(nr:Integer; str:string) : TWPTextObj

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


  • nr:Integer
  • str:string


The type of the result value is TWPTextObj.


Insert a simple footnote. This kind of footnotes can be used to add properties to a text, for example to create keywords in HLP files created by the HCW compiler.

Please note that the created footnotes will not be displayed or printed. To use printable footnotes you need WPTools PREMIUM. Then you can use the procedure InputFootnote to create a new footnote which will be editable.

Overloaded Methods

Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.FootNoteInsert(C:Char; nr:Integer; str:string) : TWPTextObj