Property TWPCustomRtfEdit.TableAtEndOfCell : Boolean

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


This property is true if the cursor is in a table cell and at the end of the cell. You can use it to create new table rows when the uses presses CR:
procedure TWPPremTest.WPRichText1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var aRow : TParagraph; colnr : Integer; begin aRow := WPRichText1.TableRow; if (Key=13) and (aRow<>nil) and WPRichText1.TableAtEndOfCell then begin colnr := WPRichText1.TableColNumber; aRow := aRow.Duplicate(false, true, false, [wpParCopyStyleswpParCopyStyles,wpDontCopyCellSubParagaraphs]); WPRichText1.ActiveParagraph := aRow.ColFirst; WPRichText1.TableColNumber := colnr; WPRichText1.ReformatAll(false, true); Key := 0; end; end;