Class TWPRTFBalloonHint


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TComponent | Vcl.Controls.TCustomHint | Vcl.Controls.TBalloonHint | TWPRTFBalloonHint


The ballon hint can be used to show formatted text in a Hint windows. Use the property "Text" to assign formatted text, i.e. in HTML format. Alternatively a TWPRTFDataCollection or TWPRichText object can be passed to the Assign() method.
To load text from a stream use Hint.RTFData.LoadFromStream
You can assign the default color for the text using property TextColor. if ahint = nil then ahint := TWPRTFBalloonHint.Create(Self); ahint.RTFData.Assign(WPRichText1.RTFData); ahint.ShowHint(Mouse.CursorPos);
Note: The properties "Description" and "Title" cannot bse used.

