Class TWPRtfStrings


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TStrings | TWPRtfStrings


This is an abstraction layer to the paragraph texts stored in a object. It allows access to the text in form of a string list. Since a string list is one dimensional list, but the text in a TWPRTFDataBlock can have multiple levels, for example when tables are used, using the TWPRtfStrings is not always the ideal way to read and write text.
The TWPRtfStrings will only "see" the first level of the text. Each table will be replaced by just one single line of text. Write access to all text lines which are not tables is possible, write access to paragraphs which are tables is ignored.



Used or referenced by

-Property TWPRTFDataBlock.Lines : TWPRtfStrings