Function TParagraph.AppendNewPar(DontCopyStyle:Boolean) : TParagraph

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TParagraph


  • DontCopyStyle:Boolean


The type of the result value is TParagraph.


This function creates a new paragraph and inserts it into the text right after this paragraph. If this paragraph is a table cell the paragraph will be the first child of this paragraph!
The code for this function is: function TParagraph.AppendNewPar(DontCopyStyle: Boolean = FALSE) : TParagraph; var ThisPar : TParagraph; begin Result := TParagraph.Create(FRTFProps, RTFData); if (paprIsTable in prop) and (ParentPar<>nil) and (ParentPar.ParagraphType=wpIsTableRow) then begin ThisPar := LastChild; if ThisPar=nil then begin ChildPar := Result; if not DontCopyStyle then Result.Assign(Self,false); end else begin ThisPar.NextPar := Result; if not DontCopyStyle then Result.Assign(ThisPar,false); end; end else begin NextPar := Result; if not DontCopyStyle then Result.Assign(Self,false); end; end;