Function TParagraph.AppendPropertyRow(aCaption:string; aName:string; Options:TAppendPropertyGridOptions; InplaceClass:string; FieldCommand:string; ColumnWidth:Integer; ModifyCellCallback:TWPAppendGridCallback; PropertyColCount:Integer) : TParagraph

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TParagraph


  • aCaption:string
  • aName:string
  • Options:TAppendPropertyGridOptions
  • InplaceClass:string
  • FieldCommand:string
  • ColumnWidth:Integer
  • ModifyCellCallback:TWPAppendGridCallback
  • PropertyColCount:Integer


The type of the result value is TParagraph.


Creates a 2 column data row inside of a property grid. The result value is the created data column. This function will usually created a nested table inside the data cell of a property grid. Such a cell uses the property WPAT_ParFlags = WPFLG_IS_DATACELL. If the cell is not a data cell but a regular cell in a 2 column table, it will append to this table, otherwise an exception will be triggered.
If the option flag wpapCreateInplaceEditor was used, a parameter FieldFormat will be used to create an inplace editor right away. Example:
This code create a property grid with 2 checkboxes. var par : TParagraph; i : Integer; begin par := WPRichText1.AddTable(1,1,true); for I := 1 to 5 do par.AppendPropertyRow('Row ' + IntToStr(i), 'NAME'+ IntToStr(i), [wpapCreateInplaceEditor, wpapAppendInThisCell], inplfrmID_check,'', 2000, AppendRowCallback, 2); WPRichText1.ReformatAll(); WPRichText1.ReformatAll(); This callback is used to modify the inplace editors for each column. ("Row" is not used here!) procedure TForm1.AppendRowCallback( Parent, Cell : TParagraph; Row, Col : Integer; Data : TObject ); begin if Col>0 then begin Cell.ASet(WPAT_COLWIDTH, 500); with Cell.InplaceEditor do begin SetGUIProp(WPINPL_CHECK_PRP_ALIGNMENT, 1); SetGUIProp(WPINPL_PRP_ID_V_PADDING, 1); SetGUIProp(WPINPL_PRP_ID_H_PADDING, 0);
if Col=1 then begin group := 3; // Using groups it is easy to find editors in the text // they can also be used to create automatic radio elements SetGUIProp(WPINPL_CHECK_RADIO_GROUPLEVEL, CHK_RADIO_COL); // parent column SetGUIProp(WPINPL_PRP_ID_COLOR, $FFFFA0); end else begin group := 4; SetGUIProp(WPINPL_PRP_ID_COLOR, clWhite ); //SetGUIProp(WPINPL_CHECK_RADIO_GROUPLEVEL, CHK_RADIO_ROW); // parent row end; end; end;