Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.InputSymbol(aChar:Char; FontName:string) : TWPTextObj

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


  • aChar:Char
  • FontName:string


The type of the result value is TWPTextObj.


This function inserts a symbol object. You can set a font name, that will not change the current writing mode. With WPTools 9 it is optionally possible to paint all symbols using D2D which enables Emji output.

Overloaded Methods

Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.InputSymbol(aChar:Integer; FontName:string) : TWPTextObjFunction TWPCustomRtfEdit.InputSymbol(unicodes:WideString; FontName:string; SkipLowUnicodes:Boolean) : TWPTextObj