Procedure TWPParagraphList.Filter(Param:Integer; CheckData:TObject; SFilterFkt:TWPParagraphListCheckFilter; Additiv:Boolean; TemplatePar:TParagraph)

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPParagraphList


  • Param:Integer
  • CheckData:TObject
  • SFilterFkt:TWPParagraphListCheckFilter
  • Additiv:Boolean
  • TemplatePar:TParagraph


This methods hides all paragraphs depending on the result of SFilterFkt. If Additiv=true no hidded paragraphs are re-activated. This allows subsequent filtering. Hint: In Param a ColumnNr can be passed and a compare value in CheckData.
If TemplatePar was provided on the paragraph which is using this template will be evaluated and *all* items in the list will change visibility according to result