Property TWPRTFEngineBasis.ViewOptionsEx2 : TWPViewOptionsEx2

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPRTFEngineBasis


View Options. This options were added in WPTools 9
wpNoBlueRectsAroundHeaderFooterWhileEditing - WPTools Premium: Do not draw a blue dotted frame around text box
wpNoBlueRectsAroundTextboxWhileEditing - WPTools Premium: Do not draw a blue dotted frame around text boxes
wpPaintSymbolTextObjectsUsingD2D - Requires unit WPCtrDrawFkt7 to be added. Enables colored symbols, such as Emojies. The symbols are printed intt a bitmap which preserves compatibility with other rendering surfaces, such as printer and PDF output
wpDontFillDesktop - Do not paint the desktop background
wpDontDrawLineForSoftPageBreak - when using the layout mode wplayShowManualPageBreaks but allows the property wpShowPageNRinGap in ViewOptions to display a page number on the right hand side