Procedure TWPRTFStyleCollection.SetWPCSS(AllStyles:string; Merge:Boolean; UsedByMask:Cardinal)

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPRTFStyleCollection


  • AllStyles:string
  • Merge:Boolean
  • UsedByMask:Cardinal


Sets all styles as strings, separated by \r\n. Please also see . If the optional parameter 'Merge' is false (default) the existing styles are removed. All style references of paragraphs which reference a style which does not exist anymore are cleared. This procedure should only be used with the ParStyles property, not with NumberStyles!

Overloaded Methods

Procedure TWPRTFStyleCollection.SetWPCSS(str:TStrings; Merge:Boolean; UsedByMask:Cardinal)