Function TWPTextObj.GetStartTag(HostPar:TParagraph; Index:Integer) : TParagraph

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPTextObj



The type of the result value is TParagraph.


Search backwards starting with the given paragraph for the object with the same ID. In contrast to TextObjects.FindSibling it does not check if this or the other object uses the wpobjIsOpening and wpobjIsClosing flags ! function TWPTextObj.SelectEmbeddedText(AlsoSelectTags : Boolean = false) : Boolean; var spar, epar : TParagraph; spos, epos : Integer; begin spar := GetStartTag(nil, spos); epar := GetEndTag(nil, epos); if (spar<>nil) and (epar<>nil) then with spar.RTFData.DataCollection.Cursor do begin if AlsoSelectTags then inc(epos) else inc(spos); SelectFromHere(spar,spos); SelectToHere(epar,epos); Result := true; end else Result := false; end;