Function TWPTextStyle.AGetInheritedSave(WPAT_Code:Byte; Value:Integer; MaxDepth:Integer) : Boolean

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPTextStyle


  • WPAT_Code:Byte
  • Value:Integer
  • MaxDepth:Integer


The type of the result value is Boolean.


This is a saver implementation of . You have to pass a maximum depth - so if there is a circular style reference the program does not go into an endless loop. AGetInheritedSave is only implemented for the TWPTextStyle class and not virtual. This made it possible to implement it without having to use recursive calls. It should be a bit faster than AGetInherited. When AGetInherited is called for TWPTextStyle the base styles will be checked with AGetInheritedSave.