Procedure TWPTextStyle.ASetWPSS(WPCSSString:string; Merge:Boolean; Abbreviated:Boolean; OverrideValues:Boolean)

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPTextStyle


  • WPCSSString:string
  • Merge:Boolean
  • Abbreviated:Boolean
  • OverrideValues:Boolean


This procedure applies the properties defined in the given string. They must have been created using the AGetWPSS function. Please note that white space characters are not expected in the string. If the optional parameter "Merge" is set to TRUE, the name and the base style parameter are not changed (even if they are included in the string) and no properties in the style are initialized before the new properties are applied.

Overloaded Methods

Procedure TWPTextStyle.ASetWPSS(WPCSSString:AnsiString; Merge:Boolean; Abbreviated:Boolean; OverrideValues:Boolean)