Procedure TWPToolsReaderWriter.SetOptions(optstr:string)

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TWPToolsReaderWriter


  • optstr:string


Sets the options , , , , and depending on the existence of '-onlybody', '-nostyles' ... in the string.
Multiple property names are separated by comma - spaces are not allowed : "-onlybody,-nostyles"

Since the procedure SetOptions is virtual it can be overriden in reader or writer classes to proccess additional properties.
The LoadFromStream function will not load the page size and header/footer if (a) a header/footer is loaded or (b) the text is inserted. To override this logic the format option '-complete' can be used.
When text is loaded into a table cell it is possible to specify "-dontnesttable,". In this case neigbour cells will be overwritten instead of pasting a new table into the current cell.

Please see for an up-to-date list of possible format options.