Function TWPXMLOneLevel.RDFObjectFind(xmlns:string; aName:string; pdfobject:TWPXMLOneLevel) : Boolean

Unit: WPXMLint
Class: WPXMLint.TWPXMLOneLevel



The type of the result value is Boolean.


RDFObjectFind searches for a xml tag which is expected to be an RDF Object. As such it will also be initialized with RDFObjectInit once found. The start number to search has to be provided in "var index" - this makes it possible to locate one element after the other which are using the same name. index has to be initialized with 0 and incremented to find the next element. Note: The variables index and pdfobject will only change if an element was found. The function can be called for a nil object.

Overloaded Methods

Function TWPXMLOneLevel.RDFObjectFind(xmlns:string; aName:string; pdfobject:TWPXMLOneLevel; index:Integer) : Boolean