Struct TBorder

Unit: WPRTEDefs


This record is used as parameter to create borders for paragraphs. You need to specify the propery LineType to create borders - specifying the color, type and width is optional.
LineType = set of (BlLeft, BlTop, BlRight, BLBottom,BlInsideV, BlInsideH, BlDiagLB, BlDiagRB,BLBar, BlEnabled, //

Used or referenced by

-Procedure TWPRTFEnginePaint.DrawLineBorders(DestCanvas:TCanvas; aPar:TParagraph; aLin:Integer; aBorder:TBorder; aLineRect:TWPVirtPageImageLineRef; LineData:TWPVirtPageImageLineRef; PaintMode:TWPPaintModes; bPaintInGray:Boolean; rtfpage:TWPVirtPage; xoff:Integer; yoff:Integer; IsCell:Boolean)