WPCubed GmbH
Wordprocessing and PDF components 

RTF reporting

You can enhance WPTools with "WPReporter" to create structured documents easily using a template.

WPReporter is user-friendly and allows you to convert existing documents into the WPReporter template. Please refer to our step-by-step guide for more details.

You can use the standard text editor for template editing. Only one additional, simple dialog needs to be displayed. This new dialog makes it easy to create bands. You can create a new group within the current one or make the new group the parent of the current group.


To insert a new paragraph at the end of a group, press "INSERT" while the group is selected.

Users can now expand and collapse groups by clicking on the arrow. (Internally, groups are handled as nested paragraphs; paragraphs inside a group are treated as children of the group paragraph.)