WPCubed GmbH
Wordprocessing and PDF components
Our demos and component setups include also executables which show the functionality of our components.
This executables are provided for evaluation purpose only - they may not be used in production. The demos come without any warranty of any kind, please use them only to check the capabilities of the components. THE USER ASSUMES THE ENTIRE RISK OF ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THIS SOFTWARE.
This license type allows is sufficient if you have one developer creating the product (not product "module") which utilizes our component. This kind of licenses are usually bought by companies who have just one developer or who are still in the evaluating phase. If you have 2 or 3 Developers please buy a license for each of them. The license is not transferable after the first executable was brought into circulation.
You may use our products to develop modular software - for example one developer could create the reporting using our text and PDF engine, another does the user interface and the third writes the SQL code. This is allowed under our license, but, all developers in the project need a developing license for the used WPCubed Product in this case. This would be three licenses in this example.
If you are working with one license to develop the project, you need the additional licences the latest when You start distributing the software which also means the inclusion of our copyrighted material.
The team licenses are valid for up to 6 developers who are working on a product. Often only one developer of this team is directly involved with developing within the component, the other developers create the modules and all modules together are the product. This license is usually bought by companies who have more than 3 developers. Savings of 33% or more are possible.
The SITE Licenses are valid for up to 20 developers within the same company at one geographic location (address). Savings of 50% or more are possible.
The Corporate License is valid for a unlimited number of developers within the same company or corporation within the same country - please request a price quote.
This Licenses is for PDF internet server products. (Definition: Server takes input sent through internet and sends out an answer through internet, ie. order and information systems)
The standard license allows it to install your product on one server (IP/domain) while the unlimited license allows the installation on an unlimited count of servers. Unlike with many competing products, the count of concurrent users is not limited.
This allows you to embed our component within your EXE files or include the redistributable DLLs/OCX with your application. The created product may not be a module of any kind, unless it has been taken care of, that no developer who does not have a valid developing license for the utilized component can access the interface of this module. This limitation explains why you always need at least a "team license" if your product has a modular architecture and is created by several developers.
In general it is not allowed to create ActiveX or programming modules of any kind!
The distribution license is included free - if all involved developers are licensed. So please get a development license for each of your developers or save money with the TEAM or SITE licenses.
In case you have a single license for WPTools and the company distributed the created application, it is NOT possible to assign the license to a different developer. Any other developer who is working later with WPTools (on the same or a different product) must have a new license.
Please register your copy with a valid e-mail at your company site. Since we are selling named licenses, not physical goods, we do not accept anonymous registrations.
Our VCL products (WPTools, wPDF, WPForm, WPSpell) have been created for Delphi and C++Builder. You may not alter the source to use it with other compilers. The tools have been created for Windows. It is not allowed to modify the products to work with other operating systems, such a MAC OS.
If you require WPTools (subset of functionality, practically the same API) for FireMonkey (Windows and OSX) please drop use a note. We license it to developer teams at a yearly subscription price.
We do not anymore license WPTools for new integration into software which has its main focus to be the creation of documentation and websites.