WPTools 7.21 fixes a problem when reading tables from word created RTF. We updated the WPTools demo since the old one was expired - please see download section.
You can download a new demo for WPTools 7.20 now. The new setup solves some small issues within the installation for D2010 and D2009 and fixes an AV which happened when the IDE was closed. Please download the demos here...
You can now download a demo application which highlights how VCL products WPTools, wPDF, WPViewPDF and WPReporter can be used together. The demo application "WPCubed Calculus" is described here, there you can also find the download link.
WPViewPDF V3.24 is available now. It improves the handling of draw objects on rotated pages. The VCL part got some extensions to the API to read and modify the page size and -Rotation through an Array property.
WPTools 7.20 is available now. It includes much enhanced support for protected data entry forms (edit fields). There is a new component to customize the embedded text objects. Reporting with WPReporter has been optimized, too.
WPViewPDF V3.23 is available now.. We added support for further annotation types. The PDF property PageMode is now used after initial loading of a PDF file to show or hide the thumbnails or outlines. The transparency state is assigned before painting a XForm.
wPDF V4.07 can now be downloaded. We enhanced the Type3 font support and fixed a problem with font embedding of certain fonts.
WPViewPDF V3.23.1 is available now. The OCX has been updated to improve compatibility with Visual Basic. The JBIG DLL can now be loaded by a command COMPDF_SetJBIG2Tool with 1 as Integer parameter and the DLL name as string parameter. A problem has been solved which caused, in few configurations, the window to remain empty after loading a PDF file.
WPViewPDF V3.22 is available now. We added a special mode which automatically selects the current page while scrolling through the document. This build also solves a problem with the JBIG2 converter DLL. It was not always found.
WPTools 7.15 is available now. It includes support for the brand new Delphi XE 7.
wRTF2PDF V4.0.1 and wPDFControl V4.0.1 is available now. We added 64bit support, unicode support (although there is still a non-unicode DLL included) and there is now Type3 font embedding to create smallest PDF files.
WPViewPDF V3.20.1 improves performance and stability of the rendering code. It now includes integrated and very fast JBIG2 decoding. JBIG2 is an image format frequently used by scanners. This release also solves a save problem which occurred with few PDF files when PDF objects were entirely empty.
WPViewPDF V3.13 improves performance and stability of the rendering code. The optimized loading routine will open PDF data a lot faster. New: use COMPDF_SetSaveMode with parameter 1024 to remove PDF/A marker when saving file.
wPDF Version 4 now includes new functions to create annotations. The PNG support and type3 font embedding has been improved and optimized. Also now available is a service release to wPDF Version 3 to improve PDF/A compatibility and to fix a potential stability issue.
WPTools 7.14 - the ANSI reader and writer now optionally handle UTF8. With the product wPDF 4 PNG images can be exported to PDF including their transparency channel.
WPViewPDF V3.12.8 fixes a problem with character mismatch in some PDF files. Please also see "What's new" in the manual PDF.
WPTools 7.13 is now online. It includes support for Delphi XE6. We included several improvements to the editing system, it is now possible to select rows and columns with simple mouse clicks. The dialog to create a header and footer text has been enhanced to better work with sections. ( link to "Whats New" )
PDFControl V4 and RTF2PDF V4 is available now. The new PDF Engine supports Type3 font embedding to reduce PDF file size and better support for asian fonts. Most importantly, 64bit and unicode versions of the engine DLLs are now available. You can download the new demo in our download section.
wPDF 4.01 is available now, You can use the method AddFileAttachment to embed one or more files or streams into the PDF file. Use a AddXMPExtra to add custom XMP data to the PDF metadata.
Features added to wPDF V4: + add new fontmode: wpEmbedType3 - create type3 fonts which are very compact + add new fontmode: wpEmbedCIDFonts - select the CID Font "unicode" mode which was added to wPDF 3 + add properties: Info.CopyrightNotice, Info.CopyrightURL and Info.CopyrightPublicDomain + DrawPNGFile. This methods exports a PNG file. It requires the PDF Engine to be able to decode PNG. + DrawPNG: This method exports PNG data. It requires the PDF Engine to be able to decode PNG.
* many optimizations to the EMF conversion engine.
Picture: wPDF4 -
WPTools 7.09 improves compatibiliyt with Delphi XE5. The new build also fixes some issues which came up the last time.
WPViewPDF will now ignore appearance streams for text annotations if the flag NeedAppearances was set to true. The VCL edition now allows changing the parent of the form which host the viewer without having to reload the PDF.
WPViewPDF now includes updated renderer which handles transparent text.