WPCubed GmbH
Wordprocessing and PDF components 

wPDF Partner


SoftVision Development

Produce excellent products for Notes - please visit their website. If you need a tool to create a report or PDF file from your NOTES SoftVision can help You.


Clarion wrapper for the wPDFControl DLL from KlariSoft Inc. This wrapper allows you to create full-featured PDF files directly from Clarion applications. Built-in WMF support allows you to save Clarion reports in PDF format. No need for the ActiveX registration; wrapper works directly with wPDFControl DLL.

Please visit their website to download the demo and purchase the license.
You will need a wPDFControl license for this as well. Please purchase this license from them!

combit GmbH

combit is using wPDF3 as PDF conversion engine in their versatile and popular reporting engine.
"For our reporting tool List & Label we need a high quality PDF exporting engine. With wPDF V3 we did not only get a tool which manages the complicated drawing commands used by our printing engine at high speed, but also incorporates new features such as PDF/A support." - Jochen Bartlau in 2009.

metier 2000 Gmbh